Information for New Patients
Prenatal Visits
We offer prenatal visits for parents who are considering joining our practice. During this visit, you will get a chance to see the office and talk with one of our doctors. This will give you an opportunity to learn about our philosophy of pediatric care, how the office works, and what to expect when you go to the hospital to have your baby. These visits are a great way to start what will hopefully be a long and satisfying patient/doctor relationship! There is a small fee or co-pay charge for these visits.
Download our Prenatal Questionaire
Please print a copy and fill out to bring to the office.
Get Acquainted Visits
If you are new to the area or are changing pediatric practices, we would be happy to meet with you to discuss our philosophy of care and how the office works. You can meet with one of our doctors to discuss specific concerns about your child or you can have a brief visit to say just hello and see what the office looks like. There is a small fee or co-pay charge for these visits.
Download our Patient Information Form
Please print a copy and fill out to bring to the office.
Transferring Medical Records
If you are coming from another practice, we would like copies of your child’s previous medical records. This ensures a smooth transition of medical care. Every doctor’s office has a form you need to fill out before they can transfer medical records to another practice. There is usually a fee for copying medical records.
Insurance Information
Our practice participates with the following health plans:
- Cigna PPO
- Cigna Open Access Plus
- United Healthcare Choice
- United Healthcare Choice Plus
- United Healthcare CORE Choice Plus
- United Healthcare Options PPO
If you have health insurance with any of these companies, you will usually only be billed for the co-pay that is required by your plan. The one exception would be for services not covered by your insurance carrier. For example, the CDC recommended routine HPV vaccine for adolescent males in the fall of 2011. Despite this recommendation, not all insurance companies agreed to pay for the vaccine.
If you have other health insurance from a company we do not participate with, payment is requested at the time of service. We will provide you with a bill that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. We accept cash, personal checks, and the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, and American Express.
Find other useful information for parents

Prenatal Visits
Get Acquainted Visits
Transferring Medical Records
Insurance Information